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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 34-39


Besufikad Enideg Getnet


School of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, 100048, China.

Corresponding Author

Besufikad Enideg Getnet


The corpus is a useful tool for the linguistics statistical analysis to check occurrences or validate linguistic rules within a specific language territory. The general corpus is very extensive, such as Google N-Grams Corpus and American National Corpus, etc, while they cannot satisfy the specific need of the financial field, in which some especial financial words always didn’t be included and the text analysis results can’t be good enough for the applications. In this paper, we take the downloaded financial news as the original corpus, and use them as the input of the text classification system. This whole process forms a closed loop to get the optimized corpus. By the simulation for the financial news analysis, we compared the prediction results for the stock tendency between the optimized corpus and the original corpus, the results show the predictions are greatly developed by the optimized corpus. 


Text classification, Optimization of the corpus, Feature selection methods, Prediction of time series data.


Besufikad Enideg Getnet. Text optimization analysis for the financial corpus. Journal of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. 2019, 1(1): 34-39.


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