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Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp 41-47, 2024



Shaibu Leonard1*, Odoma Lois Onyemowo2, Shaba Iyogbele3


1Department of Educational Management and Business Education, Faculty of Education, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State-Nigeria.

2Department Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa.

3Department of Social Studies Education, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author

Shaibu Leonard


The study examined the federal government budgetary allocations to the education sector from 2017–2020 and ascertained the influence of federal Government budgetary allocations to the education sector from 2017–2020 on the management of Federal Universities in the North Central States. A descriptive survey was adopted. The purposive sampling technique was used to sample the entire population of 68 management staff of 8 federal universities in the North Central States. Trends in Federal Government Budgetary Allocation to Education Sector Observation Schedule (TFGBAESOS) and Federal University Allocation Management Questionnaire (FUAMQ) were employed as instruments. Data were analyzed using simple percentages and mean and standard deviation where the benchmark for ascertaining the adequacy of budgetary allocation to the education sector within 2017-2020 and its implications for the management of Federal universities in the North Central States was put at 26% for RQ1 and 2.5 for RQ 2. The null hypothesis was tested using ANOVA at a 0.05 significance level. The descriptive analysis revealed RQ1 as 7.41%, 7.14%, 7.02%, and 6.48% for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. RQ2 revealed among other things that the implications for the management of Federal universities in the areas are the prevalence of incessant strikes, poor execution of projects, and difficulty in staff retention. The study concluded that the Federal Government budgetary allocations to the education sector within 2017-2020 were far below the recommendation made by UNESCO. This poor allocation significantly affected the smooth running of Federal universities in Nigeria.


Trends; Federal government; Budgetary allocation; Management; Federal universities; North Central states


Shaibu Leonard, Odoma Lois Onyemowo, Shaba Iyogbele. Trends in federal government budgetary allocation to the education sector from 2017-2020 and its implications for the management of federal universities in north central states of Nigeria. Journal of Trends in Arts and Humanities. 2024, 1(1): 41-47. DOI:


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