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Volume 6, Issue 4, Pp 5-9, 2024



JinHua Jiang, XiuQin Tang, YuPing Zhang, DaiFen Zhang, Yi Liu*


Department of Nursing, Shanghai Fourth People's Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University, Shanghai 200434, China.

Corresponding Author

Yi Liu


Objective: To explore the effect of nursing sensitive indicators combined with PDCA in fall prevention of hospitalized patients. Methods: A total of 298 patients were enrolled from August 2023 to December 2023, all of whom were treated in 22 inpatient wards of our hospital. A survey on the implementation status of fall prevention measures for inpatients was conducted in August, and 147 inpatients were randomly selected as the control group. PDCA project was carried out according to the survey status. After the intervention, 147 patients were randomly investigated as the study group, and the relevant data were collected and compared and analyzed. Results: The average implementation rate of fall prevention measures in our hospital was 75.89%. Compared with the control group, the average implementation rate of fall prevention measures in the study group was 96.54%, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01), and the quarterly incidence of falls showed a downward trend. Conclusion: The incidence of falls shows a downward trend. At present, the use rate of fall risk assessment scale for hospitalized patients is high, but the implementation rate of corresponding fall prevention measures taken for each risk level is still not ideal. It is necessary for clinical nursing workers to change from assessor to executor and supervisor of measures implementation. PDCA method can be used to improve the implementation rate of fall prevention measures. The PDCA method can be used to improve the implementation rate of fall prevention measures, so as to prevent and reduce the occurrence of accidents such as patients falling down and falling off the bed.


Fall; Risk assessment scale; Hospitalized patients; PDCA cycle


JinHua Jiang, XiuQin Tang, YuPing Zhang, DaiFen Zhang, Yi LiuA case report of simultaneous diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus and breast cancer and literature review. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2024, 6(4): 5-9. DOI:


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