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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp38-44 


Kai Ji


China People’s Police University, Lang fang 065000, China

Corresponding Author

Kai Ji


As a financial innovation product, asset securitization has greatly activated the activity of the financial market and provided sponsors with a more flexible way to improve the balance sheet structure. However, due to the complexity of securitization products and the leverage effect, investors can easily become the ultimate bearers of financial risks due to information asymmetry. For this reason, it is necessary to improve the legal mechanism for investor protection based on the big data environment. choose. Whether for investors or other participants in the asset securitization market, bankruptcy isolation is a core system; real sales are an important means to achieve bankruptcy isolation. Starting from the nature of real sales, this article makes a distinction between secured financing and interprets its effect on bankruptcy isolation, and strives to explore the legal mechanism of investor protection in China.


Asset securitization, Investor protection, Real sale, Bankruptcy isolation, Financing guarantee, Big Data


Ji K. Protection of Investor Interests in Asset Securitization Based on Big Data——Research on Legal Issues of Real Sale and Bankruptcy Isolation. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2019, 1(1): 38-44.


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