Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 6, Issue 5, Pp 65-73, 2024



YiMing Zhang1, RuiSu Yang1, Yi Sun1*, ChenRui Liu1, JiaYi Gao2


1School of Management Science and Engineering, Beijing Information Technology University, Beijing 100000, China.

2School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Architecture and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China.

Corresponding Author

Yi Sun


There are various solutions for the development of cleaning methods for the inner drum of a drum washing machine, in which the design and development of the drum structure is difficult because of its many influencing factors and low efficiency and quality assurance, this paper will be through a questionnaire survey, innovative design for the drum structure of the inner drum of a washing machine, and analyze the correlation of the structural functions of a washing machine through the negative correlation characteristics in the quality house, and build an ideal solution. The paper will analyze the interrelationship of the structural functions of the washing machine through the negative correlation characteristic in the quality house to construct the ideal solution. Secondly, through the TRIZ theory of technical contradictions, physical contradictions to analyze the feasibility of the program, after screening to determine the final program, so as to complete the simple disassembly of the internal drum, so as to complete the user more convenient than the traditional washing machine thorough cleaning and maintenance.


Inner drum removable washing machine; Contradiction matrix; TRIZ; QFD


YiMing Zhang, RuiSu Yang, Yi Sun, ChenRui Liu, JiaYi Gao. Design of a removable cylinder washing machine structure based on TRIZ and QFD. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2024, 6(5): 65-73. DOI:


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