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Volume 2, Issue 2, Pp 16-27, 2024



S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby*, Liana Mamun, Md. Danial Labib Dani


Department of Management Studies, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka. Bangladesh.

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S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby


This study investigates the influence of Virtual Human Resource Management (VHRM) practices on organizational culture within the IT sector of Bangladesh. With the growing reliance on digital HR practices, it has become essential to understand how VHRM impacts cultural elements such as employee engagement, communication effectiveness, collaboration, and job satisfaction. This research focuses on four primary VHRM practices: tech-based remote work, e-recruitment, virtual team management, and e-learning and development. Data was collected through a survey distributed to IT professionals in various organizations across Bangladesh. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the relationships between VHRM practices and organizational culture components, providing a robust statistical foundation for the findings. Results reveal that tech-based remote work, virtual team management, and e-learning positively contribute to strengthening organizational culture by promoting flexibility, collaboration, and continuous learning. However, e-recruitment showed a limited effect on cultural alignment, highlighting a gap in the integration of new employees within existing cultural frameworks. These findings underscore the importance of a well-integrated VHRM system to foster a productive and engaging work environment in the rapidly evolving IT industry of Bangladesh.


Virtual HRM; Organizational culture; Remote work; E-recruitment; Virtual teams; IT sector


S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby, Liana Mamun, Md. Danial Labib Dani. The influence of virtual HRM practices on organizational culture in the information technology (IT) sector of bangladesh. World Journal of Economics and Business Research. 2024, 2(2): 16-27. DOI:


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