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Volume 6, Issue 6, Pp 44-51, 2024



Fan Yang


Institute of Computer Science and Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, XiangTan 411100, Hunan, China.

Corresponding Author

Fan Yang


In order to realize the automation of engineering documents and improve the efficiency of engineering document writing, it is necessary to solve the existing problems of document automation technology based on knowledge management and document automation technology based on content management. Based on the theory of document product line, combined with the theory of knowledge management system, the following results are obtained : Firstly, based on the dual life cycle model of document automation, it is adjusted to make it more suitable for engineering knowledge modeling scheme. Secondly, refer to the model-driven software development architecture, and drive the development of core resources of engineering documents through the evolution of models. Finally, according to the product line theory, an engineering document product line is designed to realize the automation of engineering documents.


Knowledge management; Engineering document; Document automation


Fan Yang. Engineering document product line for knowledge management. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2024, 6(6): 44-51. DOI:


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