Volume 2, Issue 10, Pp 79-83, 2024
XiaoFang Huang1, 2
1Department of urban planning and design, Chongqing Daohe landscape planning and Design Co., Ltd, Chongqing 401121, Chongqing, China.
2International Graduate School, Kyungil University, Kyeongsan 38428, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea.
Corresponding Author
XiaoFang Huang
As the transition zone between urban and rural areas, the urban fringe plays an important role in the infiltration of urban economy, culture and social concepts into the countryside. This area is not only the physical boundary between the city and the countryside, but also the intersection and integration of two different lifestyles and values. Therefore, how to realize the overall planning from land layout to socio-economic characteristics through careful land use planning is a subject of great research value. This study deeply discusses the mode of urban-rural interaction, analyzes the problems faced by land use in the process of urban-rural integration, and further explores the root causes of these problems. Based on these analyses, this study puts forward targeted countermeasures to provide scientific planning suggestions and policy support for the realization of urban-rural integration.
Urban-rural interaction model; Dynamic land use; Urban-rural integration
XiaoFang Huang. Analysis of land use issues in the process of urban-rural integration. Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities Research. 2024, 2(10): 79-83. DOI:
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