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Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp 44-51, 2024



Nwokocha Chikpanim*, Gospel Gbarayor Kpee


Department of Educational Management and Planning, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author

Nwokocha Chikpanim


This study examined factors influencing parity management in the academic streaming of students at the Federal Science and Technical College (FSTC) Tungbo, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised 43 junior teachers and 14 senior teachers, resulting in a total of 57 educators. A stratified total census sampling technique was applied to ensure comprehensive representation. Data were collected using a self-structured instrument, titled ‘Parity Management in Students’ Academic Streaming at Tungbo Unity College Questionnaire’ (PMSASTUCQ), which underwent face and content validation by three experts. The PMSASTUCQ comprised fifteen items divided into three sections and demonstrated a reliability coefficient of 0.79, as determined through Cronbach Alpha analysis. Of the copies of questionnaire distributed, 45 were completed and returned, yielding an overall response rate of 78.95%. Research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation, while hypotheses were tested through z-tests. Findings indicated that maintaining appropriate pupil-teacher ratios in all the academic streams is crucial for effective parity management, promoting both academic achievement and personal growth at FSTC Tungbo. Nevertheless, the implementation of federal character principles, coupled with resource constraints, negatively impacts student diversity and performance management. The study concluded and recommended that for effective parity management in academic streaming of students in FSTCs in Nigeria, educational disparities require urgent reforms and better resource allocation.


Parity management; Academic streaming; Ethnocentrism; Pupil-teacher ratios; Resource allocation


Nwokocha Chikpanim, Gospel Gbarayor Kpee. Factors affecting parity management in academic streaming of students at Federal Science and Technical College, Tungbo, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Social Science and Management. 2024, 1(2): 44-51. DOI:


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