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Volume 6, Issue 7, Pp 1-9, 2024



XiaoQian Zhou, JinGran Wang, Yi Wei*


College of Management Science and Engineering, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 1002206, China.

Corresponding Author

Yi Wei


Using eye-tracking technology, we conducted an in-depth exploration of how the differences in vehicle placement and layout structure in three Mercedes-Benz C-Class advertisement posters influence participants' attention to the performance specification text. By employing perception device data collection methods to capture participants' visual attention areas and combining eye-tracking technology to obtain data, we conducted an analytical study. The research found that different placement positions and layout structures led to significant differences in viewers' attention to the performance specification text in the advertisements, further affecting the effectiveness of information transmission in the ads. By studying visual attention, the aim is to provide useful references and guidance for future automobile advertisement design.


Automobile advertisements; Eye-tracker analysis; Vehicle placement; Layout structure; Performance specification text


XiaoQian Zhou, JinGran Wang, Yi Wei. Eye-tracker analysis of car poster layout's impact on the acquisition of car parameters. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2024, 6(7): 1-9. DOI:


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