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Volume 2, Issue 2, Pp 57-64, 2024



Alasi T. K.


Department of Physics with Electronics, University of Ilesa, Ilesa, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author

Alasi T. K.


This study integrated wireline log data with other supporting information such as formation well top and bottom to quantitatively determine the spatial variability of some important reservoir properties. The results obtained from the suite of gamma ray and resistivity well log analysis of the K creek oil field have been used to study and evaluate the petro-physical characteristics and hydrocarbon prospective of the well Formation. The value of Porosity ranges from 0.115 to 0.366 while the bulk volume of water of hydrocarbon-bearing zones ranges from 0.012 to 0.021. The bulk volume of hydrocarbon in the formation (BVH) ranged from 9.2% to 34.9%. Water saturation, mud filtrate saturation and hydrocarbon saturation ranged from 0.047 to 0.187; 0.543 to 0.715; 0.813 to 0.953 respectively. The percentage of movable hydrocarbon ranged from 49.6% to 52.8% and non-movable hydrocarbon ranged from 28.5% to 45.7%. The depositional environment showed coarse up and sharp top, even block with sharp top and base, saw teeth, hour glass that favor the accumulation of hydrocarbon within the reservoir.


Depositional environment; Formation; Hydrocarbon; Petro-physical; Saturation


Alasi T. K. Depositional environment and petrophysical evalaution of the K creek oil field, Niger delta basin, Nigeria. Academic Journal of Earth Sciences. 2024, 2(2): 57-64. DOI:


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