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Volume 1, Issue 3, Pp 10-15, 2024



Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus


Business Administration, Omnibus Institute of Professional Learning, Lagos Nigeria, 42100, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author

Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus


The increasing prevalence of social media among undergraduate students has raised significant concerns regarding its impact on their psychosocial well-being and academic performance. This research paper explores the multifaceted effects of social media use, highlighting both the detrimental and beneficial aspects that can influence students' lives.

Findings indicate that excessive engagement with social media platforms is often linked to heightened levels of anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation among students. The addictive nature of these platforms can lead to diminished academic performance, with students reporting decreased concentration and increased procrastination due to distractions. Moreover, the pressure to maintain a curated online presence can exacerbate issues related to self-esteem and body image, further complicating the psychosocial landscape for many undergraduates. Conversely, the research also uncovers some positive implications of social media use. For instance, it serves as a vital tool for socialization, allowing students to connect with peers, share resources, and foster a sense of community, especially for those who may struggle with in-person interactions. Additionally, social media platforms can be beneficial for academic collaboration and networking, providing students with opportunities to engage in discussions, access academic resources, and participate in group projects beyond geographical constraints. The implications of these findings suggest a need for universities to implement educational programs that promote healthy social media use while also addressing the potential risks associated with its overuse. By fostering a balanced approach, institutions can help students navigate the complexities of social media, enhancing their overall academic experience and psychosocial health.


Social media impact; Undergraduate students; Psychosocial well-being


Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus. Impact of social media on students. Educational Research and Human Development. 2024, 1(3): 10-15. DOI:


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