Volume 2, Issue 4, Pp 47-50, 2024
Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus
Business Administration, Omnibus Institute of Professional Learning, Lagos Nigeria, 42100, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author
Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus
This research investigates the impact of education research and development (R&D) at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) on educational outcomes in Nigeria. The study addresses the limited understanding of the practical application and societal impact of UNN's substantial investment in educational research. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research involved a quantitative analysis of published research outputs from UNN's education faculty, alongside qualitative data gathered through semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, including faculty members, policymakers, and educators in various Nigerian educational settings. Quantitative analysis focused on publication trends, citation rates, and the thematic focus of research projects. Qualitative data explored the perceived influence of UNN's R&D on curriculum development, teacher training practices, and overall educational improvement. Key findings reveal a significant volume of research output from UNN's education faculty, focusing predominantly on curriculum reform, teacher education, and assessment methodologies. While the research demonstrates a strong theoretical foundation, the translation of findings into practical applications within the Nigerian education system appears limited. Interviews highlight challenges related to funding constraints, communication gaps between researchers and policymakers, and a lack of institutional mechanisms to effectively disseminate research findings and facilitate their integration into educational practice. The study concludes that, while UNN's commitment to education R&D is substantial, maximizing its impact requires a more strategic approach focused on strengthening collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, improving dissemination strategies, and securing dedicated funding for translating research into effective educational interventions. Further research should explore innovative models for knowledge translation within the Nigerian context.
Education research; Research and development (R&D); University of Nigeria; Nsukka (UNN); Educational impact; Knowledge translation; Curriculum development; Teacher training; Policy implementation
Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus. University of Nigeria Nsukka education research and development impact. World Journal of Management Science. 2024, 2(4): 47-50. DOI:
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