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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 38-45


Gang Chen, Yao Chen, Yide Sun, Qianqi Jin, Bofan He*


School of International business, Zhejiang Yuexiu University, Shaoxing, 312000, Zhejiang Province, China.

Corresponding Author

Bofan He, email:


With the rapid development of the global economy, strengthening international cooperation has become the trend of The Times, our country put forward the "Belt and Road" initiative in 2013, which not only conforms to the practical needs of the current and future global social and economic development, but also has extensive theoretical basis. It also plays an important role in our country's agricultural development, which can further expand the scale of cross-border trade in agricultural products, deepen the adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure, and comprehensively enhance the closeness of the world's production capacity cooperation. The "Belt and Road" initiative covers more than 70 countries or regions with a total population of more than 4.5 billion and a total GDP of nearly 20 trillion US dollars. It should be noted that agriculture occupies an important fundamental position in the development of the national economy. In order to accelerate its development, we should explore and innovate the cross-border trade model of agricultural products to adapt to the development trend of globalization. Based on the current situation of agricultural product trade, this paper proposes further optimization measures based on the background of the "Belt and Road", aiming to provide a reference for further promoting the development of China's agricultural trade.


One belt one road; Agricultural products; Trade.


Gang Chen, Yao Chen, Yide Sun, Qianqi Jin, Bofan He. Research on foreign trade of agricultural products in China under the background of belt and road. Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities Research. 2023, 1(1): 38-45.


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