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Volume 2, Issue 2, Pp 5-14, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/wjmsv2n245


Leandro T. Azevedo


State University of the Northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Corresponding Author

Leandro T. Azevedo


Prepare ordinary concrete (NC) and vitrified microbead insulation concrete (GHB/NC), and study the deterioration process of changes in apparent phenomena, quality, loss of compressive strength and other properties after heating from normal temperature to 1000°C, and discuss ultrasonic non-destructive testing at the same time The method is used to evaluate the universality of the performance of concrete after high temperatures, comparatively analyze the relationship between relative wave speed, damage degree, heating temperature, and compressive strength loss rate, and use SEM to observe the microstructural changes of specimens after different high temperatures. The results show that the use of relative wave speed and damage degree to evaluate the performance of concrete after high temperature has good correlation, and the regression formula has a high fitting degree; as the temperature increases, the internal damage of NC and GHB/NC concrete gradually intensifies, and the cement gelation decomposes due to heat and moisture Dissipation, etc. produce gaps, cracks and interconnections on the surface and inside of the specimen, and the bonding force at the interface between vitrified microspheres, coarse aggregate and cement stone gradually weakens or even loses, causing the macroscopic mechanical properties to deteriorate and the compressive strength loss rate to increase. After heating to 800℃, the strength loss of NC is 72.3%, the strength loss of GHB/NC is 74.6%, and the load-bearing capacity is basically lost at 1000℃.


Vitrified microbead insulation concrete; High temperature; Ultrasonic nondestructive testing; Performance degradation; Microscopic analysis; Interface transition zone


Leandro T. Azevedo. Performance deterioration and microstructure of vitrified microbead insulation concrete after high temperature. World Journal of Materials Science. 2024, 2(2): 5-14. DOI: 10.61784/wjmsv2n245.


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