Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 7-13


G. Evans, Sun Peng*, Duan Xue


Department of Applied Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China.

Corresponding Author

Sun Peng


In order to study the moisture absorption characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced resin matrix composite reinforced wall panels in hot and humid environments, moisture absorption experiments were carried out at 70 ℃ / 85% relative humidity. Combined with the experimental data, a composite reinforced wall panel was proposed. The stage moisture absorption model of this type of structure, and the finite element simulation of the moisture absorption behavior of this type of structure is carried out. The results show that the composite reinforced wall panel complies with Fick's law of moisture absorption in the early stage of moisture absorption, and there is obvious staged moisture absorption phenomenon in the late stage of moisture absorption; the proposed staged moisture absorption model has high analysis accuracy, and the moisture absorption curve of the staged moisture absorption model is consistent with the finite element simulation results Keep consistent, and the calculation error is within 5%. The results of moisture concentration distribution reveal the stage moisture absorption mechanism of composite reinforced wall panels, and the difference in the moisture absorption equilibrium rate of the structure at different thicknesses is the main reason for the stage moisture absorption phenomenon.


Composite reinforced siding; Moisture absorption behavior; Moisture absorption model; Moisture concentration distribution.


G. Evans, Sun Peng, Duan Xue. moisture absorption behavior of aerospace carbon fiber reinforced resin matrix composite stiffened panels. World Journal of Materials Science. 2023, 1(1): 7-13.


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