Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp 1-9, 2025



YuSheng Huang1, GuiLin Wei1, Kai Wen2, ChuanJun Ji2, YouLiang Xiong2, XinZhi Li1*


1Department of Civil Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, Hebei, China

2China Railway 18th Bureau Group Third Engineering Co., Baoding 072750, Hebei, China.

Corresponding Author

XinZhi Li


This study aims to determine the rational construction safety step distance for hard rock tunnels, with the goal of effectively organizing the implementation of various construction processes to meet the requirements of rapid construction in hard rock tunnels. The FLAC3D finite difference software was utilized to establish a three-dimensional model based on the tunnel's cross-sectional form, excavation method, and support parameters, followed by numerical simulation analysis. The deformation patterns of the tunnel surrounding rock and the stress characteristics of the support structure under different construction step distances for II and III grade surrounding rocks were analyzed, and the stability of the tunnel surrounding rock and support structure was investigated. The results indicate that: 1) Under different rock grade conditions, as the tunnel construction step distance increases, the deformation of the tunnel surrounding rock and the stress on the initial support structure both show varying degrees of increase; 2) Considering the actual operation tool configuration and operational space requirements at the construction site of the Ma Bai Shan Tunnel, the bottom plate step distance for II and III grade surrounding rocks is adjusted to 300m, and the secondary lining step distance is adjusted to 400m, achieving the goal of rapid construction in hard rock tunnels while ensuring safety.


Tunnel engineering; Mechanized construction; Hard rock formation; Step distance optimization


YuSheng Huang, GuiLin Wei, Kai Wen, ChuanJun Ji, YouLiang Xiong, XinZhi Li. Optimization of mechanized rapid construction step distance for hard rock body of Ma Baishan tunnel. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2025, 7(1): 1-9. DOI:


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